Thursday, September 29, 2016

"Photoshop Intro"

First, I started my first layer/background with the "Battlefield One" image and transformed it to a more suitable size. I then open the "Kim Jong Un" image in another tab and move it to the battlefield one image. I rescale by transforming the "Kim Jong Un" image and move it to the corner of the battlefield one image. I then used the magic wand to select the certain parts of the Kim jong un image background and deleted them. Soon after I added text to both the Battlefield one and Kim Jong Un images.  Next, I opened the Zumbi Blocks, John Cena, and Donald trump images respectively in 3 different tabs. I rescaled the canvas to fit the Zumbi Blocks image and then using the Laso tool; I took John Cena's and Donald Trump's face from  the rest of their images and moved it to the Zumbi blocks tab/image. I resized by transforming both faces to fit/replace zumbi heads in the Zumbi Block image. I then added text on top of and at the bottom of the Zumbi Blocks image. I then opened the Quickscope meme image in a different tab and feathered the sides of the image by selecting modify in the select tab. I then moved all images from their tabs to the "Quickscope meme" tab/image and transformed all images to fit the canvas. I exported them image for web and there we go a perfect header.

1 comment:

  1. Blog Header Image:
    6/6 marks - 3 images minimum
    2/2 marks - Text included as part of the header image
    0/2 marks - 1 Image Adjustment minimum - not described in your process...

    Blog Post:
    5/5 marks - original images posted
    5/5 marks - blog post detailing your process

    Total: 18/20 marks
