Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Game Analysis Day

Game Day Data Table

1. Boxhead2 and Zumbi Blocks stood out to me the most, because the animation and frames per second were smooth and slick. Also, although the designs may have been a bit cartoony; I believe that contributed on lessening the gore factor and making the game more survival oriented

2. (like before) Boxhead2 and Zumbi blocks were good games in my opinion because of their easy to learn (and use) controls, less gore and more survival oriented gameplay, The major fun factor of these games was how you could enjoy getting new items/loot (rewards) even when enemies were not too difficult. (however I do like semi-difficult enemies and hard boss fights)

3.The games I didn't like were or the ``bad`` games in my opinion were Attack on Titan, Nitrome must Die, and Slither.io. Although must of them weren`t too bad with overall good graphics, frames per second, navigation, and game interface all contributing to good gameplay.
However they all lacked something important that makes a fun and engaging game; for example Nitrome must Die lacks anything dramatic and a engaging story, although It does have story its pretty boring and doesn't really want to make you want to keep playing the game. Also the main Turn-off of NMD is that it`s not anything new and I've played games like these dozens of times and there nothing new or dynamic about it. Slither.io although it has a good game interface; I believe it to be too easy to get rewards (grow bigger) and too easy to lose, therefore making it infuriating after dying just when you started growing. Attack on Titan is a fun game with ok graphics and Amazing amount of movement options to do. However the game interface is a turn-off due to the amount of controls you need to memorize (also the main un-fun factor is how the frames per second drop immediately after starting the game)

4. My favourite game was Zumbi blocks because even though the graphics were not great, it had easy to use/learn controls, 3D graphics, and a main objective you wanted and were forced to play. Zumbi blocks is a game about a unnamed guy (you) being stuck in a town (location may differ in game) full of zumbies raising out of the ground to attack you. Your job (the objective) is to find resources  (like ammo and guns) while running and eliminating the zumbi threat and surviving as long as you can; Good luck.
Zumbi blocks is a game that although has a unrealistic and cartoony look to it makes you want to play because of its flaw (the cartoony look). This is because this "flaw" contributes to making this game less gory and more survival oriented objective based game.
The main thing keeping playing is the unending waves of enemies that make finding rewards (like ammo) fun and challenging.

All in all, I give this 10 not rotten potatoes/ out of 10 rotten tomatoes, this is because the game, although has its flaws; it makes the best of it by using the flaws to contribute to its gameplay and concept.

1 comment:

  1. Great job on your Game Analysis post! It's interesting how a specific graphic style (which is inherently "low res") can be the "charm" of a game.
