Monday, February 6, 2017

Scratch Level 2 - Racing Game

Racinjg Game
  1. What difficulties did you have with programming this game? How did you fix them? Be specific.                                                                                                                                                                         I had many problems during this project, but one of the more notable challenges I faced was with getting the blue car sprite to change into the red car sprite (that had no background and looked similar) when hitting walls. I fixed this problem by duplicating the same blue car sprite, painting it red, and then making a script that told the blue car costume/sprite to switch to the second (red car) costume/sprite whenever it hit a wall (for too long)
  2. What changes to the tutorial game did you add? Why and how?
The changes I made were; setting a (useless) countdown timer, and getting the blue car to change into a red one when hitting walls. I added these to fulfil the requirements of the project (as well as for extra aesthetic effect). 
I did the countdown timer by making multiple costumes with numbers (5,4,3,2,1) and a "GO!" sign, I then made a script that (after pressing the green flag) switches between costumes (with a 1 second interval in between costume switches.
How I made the car sprite change colours (when hitting a wall) is listed above in question number one.

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