Friday, November 18, 2016

Kodu - Intro

                                                           Kodu's code
Cpu's codes 


1. Did you have any difficulties with your programming? What was the issue? How did you solve it?
Finding a way to lose the game (due to me changing it so the cpu takes aways you points) was difficult for a time. However I realized I could make it so you lose the game when your score reaches below zero.
The main challenge I faced while making this game how to account for the npc fast speeds. I didn't want to fix this so straightforwardly, so I edited Kodu to shoot stunning blips which solved the problem remarkably well.

2. Did the student who played your game have any suggestions for your game that you implemented?
No student played my game. 
However I believe some changes I could make are making more scenery and decorations in the map.
Also I could increase the acceleration of both Kodu and the Npc. Furthermore the last change I could make mountain ranges to provide a defence against the npc for a while.

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